EPL offers a range of services.
EPL is involved in designing of Plants for Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Effluent Treatment, MBR, Reverse osmosis, Ultra Filtration, Softener, MEE, MVR, Biogas, Waste to energy & Infrastructure Projects, along with the Construction, Erection & Commissioning and Operation & Maintenance Services.
The emphasis of the work EPL undertakes is to service client’s needs with an economical and practical solution.
Our ability to understand and interpret information, find solutions to problems, design projects, participate in a team environment, meet project deadlines, and communicate with people at all levels are among the key strengths of the company.
EPL has the objective to service client’s needs promptly and effectively with a diverse range of skills to cater for institutional, commercial and industrial projects.
Envergy Projects Ltd. offers :
- Design of WTP, STP, ETP, Biogas plant & Package Treatment Plants, Landfills etc.
- Establishment of Plants & Supply of equipments
- Operation Maintenance of STP, ETP, Incinerator, Biogas Waste Management Projects
- Design & Execution of Rain water Harvesting System
- Replacing of existing non-performing plants
- Heat Recovery Systems
- Air Pollution Control Equipments
- Water Treatment Plant