The Indian EHS Journal:
A bi monthly magazine.
Includes current topics related To Environment, Health, Safety, Hygiene, Quality etc….
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Accidents Just Happen?
- Boiler Explosion
- Water Tank Explosion
- Tank blow up
- Exothermic reaction
- Ethanolamine Disaster
- Petroleum Fire
- Explosion in pipe
- Bursting of hose during testing
- Explosion & Fire in polyethylene wax processing facility
- Organic solvent poisoning
- Nitrogen Explosion
- Lack concentration of faulty design
- Understanding why testing is being done
- Scaling up
- Hydrogen sulphide release
- Fire at vent of storage tank due to lightening etc…
Price: Rs. 500/-
Send your purchase enquiry / payments to Green House Publications, Inc.
Address: Green Circle Inc.
506- Orchid Apartments,
M.G. Road, Borivali (E),
Mumbai – 400 066
Tele: +91 84859 73889
Address: Green Empire (Anupushpam Habitat Centre)
Above Axis bank, Near Yash Complex,
Gotri Road, Vadodara – 390021 (Gujarat)
Tele: +91-265-2371028
Email: info@greencircleinc.com